2018年7月23日 星期一

[How To] [LXDE] Fix lxrandr not working

[How To] [LXDE] Fix lxrandr not working

in case you switch from traditional harddisk to SSD and your computer boot very fast that makes xrandr run too fast and makes it not work every time. you should

1. Edit the autostart file
    vim ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop

2. Add some sleep before xrandr
[Desktop Entry]
Name=LXRandR autostart
Comment=Start xrandr with settings done in LXRandR
Exec=sh -c 'sleep 2 && xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 --same-as LVDS1 --output LVDS1 --off'

3. restart X and done

